Grafana vs Kibana

June 15, 2021


DevOps is an emerging field where development and operations teams work together to create efficient and reliable software. It involves a continuous integration and delivery pipeline where data is generated at all stages of the process. This data needs to be collected, analyzed, and visualized to gain insights and improve the process. Two popular tools for this purpose are Grafana and Kibana. In this post, we will compare these tools and help you choose the right one for your project.

What are Grafana and Kibana?

Grafana and Kibana are open-source visualization and analysis tools that can be used to create dashboards and monitor systems. Both tools support a wide range of data sources and allow users to customize and share dashboards.

Grafana is mainly designed for monitoring and visualizing metrics, logs, and other time-series data. It supports a wide range of data sources including Graphite, InfluxDB, Elasticsearch, and Prometheus. Grafana provides an intuitive interface and allows users to create interactive dashboards with real-time data.

Kibana, on the other hand, is part of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) and is primarily designed for visualizing and analyzing log data. It supports a variety of data sources including Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Beats. Kibana provides a powerful search engine and allows users to create charts, graphs, and visualizations with log data.


User interface

Grafana has a more modern and user-friendly interface compared to Kibana. It provides a drag-and-drop interface and a wide range of visualization options, including gauges, heatmaps, and tables. Grafana allows users to create alerts, set thresholds, and share dashboards with other team members.

Kibana, on the other hand, has a more complex interface compared to Grafana. It requires some level of technical expertise to use effectively. However, Kibana provides a powerful search engine, which makes it easy to locate and analyze specific log entries.

Data sources

Both Grafana and Kibana support a wide range of data sources. Grafana has a larger number of plugins and can ingest data from more types of sources than Kibana. Grafana supports over 50 data sources, including InfluxDB, Elasticsearch, and Prometheus, while Kibana supports only a few data sources, mainly Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Beats.


Both Grafana and Kibana are designed for high performance and can handle large amounts of data. However, Grafana is generally faster at rendering dashboards compared to Kibana, especially when dealing with time-series data.

Community support

Both Grafana and Kibana have active communities that provide support and contribute to the development of the projects. Grafana has a larger community and a more active plugin ecosystem compared to Kibana.


Grafana and Kibana are both powerful open-source tools for visualization and analysis of data in DevOps. Grafana is better suited for monitoring metrics and time-series data, while Kibana is better suited for analyzing log data. The choice between these tools will depend on the specific requirements of your project.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision on which tool to choose. Remember, the most important thing is to choose a tool that meets your specific needs and provides the functionality required to achieve your goals.


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